Making it Relevant to You

At Experts|Ace, we believe in authenticity and unique interactions to drive valuable engagement with our customers. We don’t operate off standard and off the books processes but truly go on a discovery journey with every single interactions with our clients or extended network of experts.

‘‘Nice, but what does that mean for you?’’

  • What is our Project Discovery?

    At E|A, this is how we define the initial step of our project engagement. The purpose of this phase is to collect information about our clients requirements to identify the plan, the goals, and the scope. This identification phase results in a more dynamic engagement down the line.

  • Although the word ‘project audit’ may sounds quite formal, this is simply the next phase where our consultants intend to assess the extent of the existing infrastructure that play a part in the denominated projects. We use intuitive tools to capture the information upon which the foundation of the project is built.

    The identification of errors, redundant process during this phase contributes to a better business alignment down the line.

  • In the Project Assessment phase we evaluate the work process, the operational profitability or benefit with the current infrastructure. Some of the areas covered here include estimated the cost of change vs the revenue opportunity, the timelines implication, the resource dedication for execution, key stakeholders accountability, the project urgency, preferred contractor as well as underlying issues and concerns, etc.

  • What is validity in project management?

    One of the most important phases is the project validation. The process of validation generally occurs as one step or multiple steps of the process, usually in stages and is used to determine if the project is meeting specifications. In order words it is aimed at proving or disproving with limited or no design whether the project delivery can be satisfied to the business case and scope defined within the allowable constraints of cost and schedule and with an acceptable level of risk.

  • With the evaluation phase our aim is to determine:

    • The relevance and level of achievement of the project objectives,

    • The development effectiveness,

    • The efficiency and impact


We don’t use fancy algorithms to match keywords from our clients briefs to consultants expertise. What drives the quality of our work is the dedication we place on enabling a true people to people model. And how we achieve this is by navigating across these five (5) areas we’ve identified as core to our engagement process, starting with our discovery phase.

‘‘Data are Sourced,
Knowledge is Acquired,
Value is only Derived
From the Acquired Insights. Everything else is information!’’

From Information To Meaning, From Thinking to Knowledge!

It all begins with the collection of data and information. In the times of Google and Wikipedia, information is readily available online and offline through a wealth of sources. However, pieces of data and information are just raw facts, which quite often if they are not taken into a specific context, are just worthless and not illustrative of the gains or pains. Context are crucial to validate whether a strategy or a project is fit for purpose in the designated environment. This is where Experts|Ace steps in, through our first hand exposure into work streams specific to the payments and technology industry, we help organisations translate knowledge into actionable insights by providing the context, which we have gained from direct experience into these topics.

We combine data, information, experience, knowledge and insights to help organisations step up their thinking process and facilitate their decisions making process.